Jimmy Cunningham wears it well, whether dressed up as a scarecrow or the Joker, the villian who is constantly clashing with Batman.
Cunningham, a junior, was smartly attired in a purple pinstriped Joker suit with his face painted to perfection for the 2024 BHS Halloween Costume Contest and came away with most creative honors.

“I decided to dress up as the Joker because there were many memes of the Joker on the internet, so I figured “Hey, why not?” he wrote in an e-mail.
Also influencing Cunningham’s choice of costume is his fondness for the Batman movies.
“I am a fan of “The Dark Knight” and the spinoff movie, “Joker,” from 2019,” Cunningham said. “Those movies were so good to watch because of all of the action and storyline that goes with them, especially the first Joker movie.”
Movies and the characters in them were well represented in this year’s contest. Winner of most original was Elena Naumoski, who was the Lorax. Brian Duffy and Ian Tucker garnered best group as Boy Scouts. Overall best was Gavin Shollenberger (Forrest Gump).
The staff category winner for best group was “Ghostbusters” featuring Mr. Engelberger, Mr. Brandt, Ms. Settineri, Ms. Faessinger and Mr. Delaporte. Mr. Brandt, the Marshmallow, was voted overall best among the faculty.
Naumoski’s reason for choosing the Lorax?
“I dressed up as the Lorax because I felt that, now that I am a senior, I should do something funny and remember most of my senior year,” Naumoski said. “I have been a fan of Dr. Seuss since I was younger because he made stories interesting and actually funny.”
The inspiration for the Lorax came from TikTok and friends. The feathers for the costume were taken from a boa that Naumoski purchased for $10 at Spirit Halloween. She also bought a white bodysuit and dyed it orange. That brought the cost of the costume to $35.